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Arlington, Texas

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 Fred Bock, Organist -- A Mighty Fortress

Fred Bock -- A Mighty Fortress
Price: $15.95
Product#: Bock3-CD
The Summit Sound Systems Company
Instrumental -- Organ + Chimes
Total Playing Time: 37:04
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Other Recordings By Fred Bock, Organist
Amazing Grace
Cathedral Organ And Chimes (Organ And Chimes)
Christmas  (Organ And Chimes)
God Will Take Care Of You Chimes Only (Organ And Carillon Chimes)
Holy Is The Lord
How Great Thou Art
Patriotic Songs (Organ And Chimes)
The Love Of God (Organ And Piano)
The Old Rugged Cross (Organ And Chimes)

This recording is listed under:

Songs Included On This CD
(Click To Listen to 90 Second mp3 samples)

1. All Hail the Power Of Jesus Name (2:03) -- (Organ And Chimes)
2. Come, Thou Almighty King (1:31)
-- (Organ And Chimes)
3. O Worship the King (1:53)
-- (Organ And Chimes)
4. Praise The Lord (2:20)
-- (Organ And Chimes)
5. Jesus Shall Reign (2:46) -- ORGAN ONLY
6. Fairest Lord Jesus (2:50)
-- (Organ And Chimes)
7. Love Divine, All Loves Excelling (2:20)
-- (Organ And Chimes)
8. The Church Is One Foundation (3:21)
-- (Organ And Chimes)
9. Holy, Holy, Holy (2:33)
-- (Organ And Chimes)
10. Doxology (2:25)
-- (Organ And Chimes)
11. Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee (2:26)
-- (Organ And Chimes)
12. Praise To The Lord The Almighty (2:01)
-- (Organ And Chimes)
13. All Creatures Of Our God And King (2:46)
-- (Organ And Chimes)
14. The Spacious Firmament (2:50) -- ORGAN ONLY
15. A Mighty Fortress Is Our God (2:52)
-- (Organ And Chimes)

About Fred Bock, Organist...
Fred Bock is recognized as one of the outstanding organists on the Pipe Organ in America. He can be heard most Sundays playing at the Hollywood Park Presbyterian Church in California, where he also directs their 65 voice choir. Fred has also appeared on television, and played in motion pictures. In addition to his own recordings, he has accompanied many other artists as a background musician. Fred Bock has recorded eleven albums on the Summit Records Label. As you listen to this beautiful album of time-honored hymns of the faith, close your eyes and imagine you are in a large house of worship and enjoying the masterful sounds of Fred Bock at the Pipe organ.

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