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Principle Chorus -- Tune My Heart To Sing Thy Grace

Principle Chorus -- Tune My Heart To Sing Thy Grace
Price: $15.95
Product#: PO3534-CD
 Principle Music
Choir And Orchestra
Total Playing Time: 56:49
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This recording is listed under:
Choir Music

Songs Included On This CD
(Click To Listen to 90 second mp3 samples)

1. Prayer Before Singing (2:09)
2. All Creatures Of Our God And King (4:09)
3. Amazing Love (5:20)
4. Lift High The Cross (4:39)
5. Be Thou My Vision (2:43)
6. Come Thou Fount (3:32)
7. For All The Saints (3:48)
8. I'm Gonna Live So God Can Use Me (3:02)
9. For The Beauty Of The Earth (4:59)
10. Every Time I Feel The Spirit (1:44)
11. I Sing The Mighty Power Of God (3:26)
12. There Is A Balm In Gilead (4:05)
13. Awake, Awake (3:41)
14. When We Shall See Christ (3:58)
15. When He Shall Come (2:35)
16. The Lord Bless You And Keep You (2:49)

The message inside the CD cover reads...
In The year 2000, it is surprising both how much and how little has changed in the last 250 years. Our increasingly automated world provides conveniences and luxuries never before possible, and yet the souls of men and women still have the same needs they have always had.

This is a world of conflicting priorities and competing rationales. How reassuring to know that the strength of the message of the Gospel and the peace of Christ are unaffected by the changing millennium! "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever..." (Hebrews 13:8)

The sound track you hold features the songs of the Church, written to remind those who hear or sing them of Scriptural truth that can be relied upon. The voices of 40 young people from across the United States join in a variety of styles ranging from the majestic orchestra to the elegant a cappella, from soaring hymns to stirring spiritual...arrangements that feature the great music of the Church, and lyrics that will inspire you to keep believing in the unchanging God.

The prayer of each artist and production team member involved in the making of this recording is that your listening experience would echo the words of that great hymn: "Come, Thou Fount of every blessing, tune my heart to sing thy grace!"

A Group Picture of the Principle Chorus...

A group picture of the Principle Chorus

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