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First Baptist Church of Hammond, IN Youth Department -- In Loving Memory of our Pastor Dr. Jack Hyles
MY COMMENTS The message inside and backside of the CD cover reads... As Beginners, Juniors, Teenagers, and Adults, we knew you as our Pastor. you taught us to stay pure and clean, and admonished us to live our lives for the Lord. You were proud of us when we did right, but you also wept for us and loved us when we didn't. In your 41 years at First Baptist Church, we never saw you give up an anyone. Through our years as First Baptist Teenagers, we felt your love as you preached messages to us that we needed to hear. For 28 years, you tried to reach America's teenagers at our Nationwide Youth Conferences. You were the best youth preacher in the world! America owes you more than she could ever repay. Thank you for loving teenagers. Your teenagers love and miss you. Sincerely, Bro. Eddie and the First Baptist Church Teenagers.