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Dena And Joanna Marini -- When Peace Like A River

Dena And Joanna Marini -- When Peace Like A River
Price: $15.95
Product#: AP830CD
March 2001
Marini Made Harps
Harp, Violin, Pennywhistle, Female Solo
Total Playing Time: 49:16

Other CD's by Marini Made Harps
Dena And Joanna Marini -- There Is A Fountain (1999) CD
Dena And Joanna Marini -- This Is The Day (2006) CD
Joanna Marini, Pianist -- Thine Is The Glory (2000) CD

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This recording is listed under:
Harp Music

Songs Included On This CD
(Click To Listen to 90 second Windows Media samples)

1. When Peace Like A River (4:54) -- Dena (harp) + Joanna (harp)
2. King Of Love (2:26)
-- Dena (flute) + Joanna (harp)
3. I Wait for The Lord [Psalm 130:3-8] (3:49)
-- Joann (vocal/harp) + Dena (flute)
4. Surely the Presence Of The Lord Is In this Place (2:07)
-- Dena (harp)
5. If We Walk In the Light [I John 1:7] (2:08)
-- Joanna (vocal/harp) + Dena (vocal)
6. Heavenly Light (2:15)
-- Joanna (harp)
7. Let All Things Now Living (2:21)
-- Dena (pennywhistle/harp) + Joanna (violin/harp)
8. Garrett's Lullaby (4:20)
-- Joanna (vocal/guitar/violin/piano/harp) + Dena (psaltery/pennywhistle)
9. Holy, Holy, Holy (2:53)
-- Dena (vocal) + Joanna (vocal/harp)
10. Open Our Eyes (3:52)
-- Dena (Harp)
11. Greater Love [John 13:12-14] With New Commandment [John 34:34-35] (3:54)

         Joanna (vocal/harp) +  Dena (Vocal)
12. Wayfaring Stranger (4:08) --
Dena (pennywhistle/harp) + Joanna (Violin)
13. In Heavenly Love Abiding (3:43) --
Joanna (vocal/harp)
14. Thine Is The Glory (2:08) --
Joanna (harp)
15. Peace Be Unto You (3:39) --
Joanna (vocal/violin) + Dena (vocal/harp)

My Comments: These people play music on the same harps that are made by their family. Their family makes their living building harps. Each harp they build is "hand crafted" and "custom made".  The two oldest daughters, Dena and Joanna Marini, go to many different churches in their local region playing their harps. The younger members of their family also take part in their concerts by playing other instruments they are good at. 

I found out about these recordings when their mother mailed me all of their current CD titles as "air play submissions" for Old Christian Radio. After hearing all their recordings, I decided to add all of them to my station's air play library. From there, I made these recordings available for purchase in my online music store. Until now, these recordings were only available for purchase at their concerts, by mail directly from them, or only from local bookstores where they live. 

As you listen to their recordings (oldest to newest), you'll notice progressive improvement in their harp playing skills. Their harp playing skills in their earlier recordings are still very good.

The message inside the CD cover reads...

When Peace Like A River

Our theme song for this recording was written by Horatio G. Spafford - a wealthy, real estate man of the 1800's. He was virtually wiped out financially by the Great Chicago Fire. His only son died of sickness, and a short time later his four daughters perished at sea. In the midst of these heart-breaking losses, he looked to his Sovereign God for rest, and this great hymn was inspired:

When Peace Like A river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, thou has taught me to say,
It is well, it is well, with my soul

Notice the progression of thought from verse to verse. After accepting God's will, he proceeds to the second verse, expressing a firm confidence in God's compassion:
Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come,
Let this blessed assurance control,
That Christ hath regarded my helpless estate,
And hath shed His own blood for my soul.

Removing his attention from the tragic losses of this life, Spafford now dwells on the one blessed joy that cannot be taken from him.
My Sin! O the bliss of this glorious thought,
My sin! not in part, but the whole,
Is nailed to His cross and I bear it no more,
Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord, O My soul!

Now focused on the eternal rather than the temporal, Spafford concludes:
And, Lord, haste the day when the faith shall be sight,
The clouds be rolled be back as a scroll,
The trump shall resound and the Lord shall descend,
Even so, it is well with my soul.

May all our tragedies bring us to the same conclusion, so that like Spafford we may also declare: It is Well with my soul!

--Alex Marini

"Garrett's Lullaby"...is written in honor of the birth of Garrett David Weaver, born January 31, 2001. His mom, Dara (Scoles) Weaver, was my piano teacher and friend for 3 1/2 years, and I wrote this little lullaby as a tribute for her for all she did for me... giving her time, patience, instruction and encouragement. Many times she played for me, piece after piece of the music she was working on after my lessons. This is what really inspired me, and to her I owe many, many thanks.  Joanna Marini

Open Our Eyes is played especially for my dear grandmother (Ann Gaj). Thanks for all your support and encouragement.

I love you Gram!...Dena

        Dena and Joanna, now 18 and 16, have enjoyed developing their own arrangements to the songs on this, their 5th recording. They've incorporated some other instruments to accompany the harp on some songs, as well as some vocal parts. But the harp is still the central feature as it has been for the past five years when we began making and playing harps as part of their homeschooling program. Our prayer continues to be that all who listen will be strengthened in their faith and love for the Lord of Glory, as we "praise the Lord with the harp."

Dena And Joanna Marini (As pictured on the back of the CD cover)
Picture of Dena And Joanna Marini that was taken in August of 2001

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